
// Vectorpgm.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
////Space for vector of int, called iVector
// vector <int> iVektor;

// //we will add the elements at the end of vector
// do
// {

// //space for next element of the vector
// cout<<"Next Element->"; int iElement; cin>>iElement;

// //to remove the element from the back use pop_back
// iVektor.push_back(iElement);

// cout<<"Size of the vector is ="<<iVektor.size()<<endl
// <<"Capacity of the vector="<<iVektor.capacity()<<endl;

// cout<<"More elements yes(y)/no(n)->";
// char cRespond; cin>>cRespond;

// if((cRespond == 'y')||(cRespond=='Y')) continue;

// break;

// } while(true);

// //display elements from begin to end
// for(vector<int>::iterator i=iVektor.begin();
// i != iVektor.end();
// cout<<*i++<<endl); cout<<endl<<endl;

// //display elements from end to begin
// for(vector<int>::reverse_iterator r=iVektor.rbegin();
// r != iVektor.rend();
// cout<<*r++<<endl); cout<<endl<<endl;

// cout<<"You wish to see the element->";int iIndex; cin>>iIndex;

// //first method to dispaly n-th element of a vector
// cout<<"At("<<iIndex<<")="
// <<<<endl
// <<"or like this=";

// //one more approach to display one of vector elements
// vector<int>::iterator p=iVektor.begin()+iIndex;cout<<*p<<endl;

// int iRespond; cin>>iRespond;

// return EXIT_SUCCESS;
vector<string> vect;
char inputstr[10];

std::cin >> inputstr;
std::string str2 = inputstr;
vector<string>::iterator  it = vect.begin();
it =  find(vect.begin(), vect.end(), str2);
if( it != vect.end())
int i = distance(vect.begin() , it);
string str = *it;
cout<< "position of value " << str.c_str();
cout<< "position = " << i;
return 0;


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