Smart Pointers in C++ and How to Use Them
Smart Pointers in C++ and How to Use Them In this article, we will be discussing smart pointers in C++. What are Smart Pointers, why, and how to use them properly? Pointers are used for accessing the resources which are external to the program – like heap memory. So, for accessing the heap memory (if anything is created inside heap memory), pointers are used. When accessing any external resource we just use a copy of the resource. If we make any change to it, we just change it in the copied version. But, if we use a pointer to the resource, we’ll be able to change the original resource. Play Video Click here for the Complete Course! Problems with Normal Pointers Take a look at the code below. C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Rectangle { private : int length; int breadth; }; void fun() { // By taking a pointer p and // dynamically creating...